
The tetrahedral geometry is ubiquitous in natural and synthetic systems. Regular tetrahedra do not tile space, which makes understanding their self-assembly behavior a formidable challenge. In 2009, simulations of hard tetrahedra —that is particles with the shape of a regular tetrahedron, intera...

Kategorie: News

We recently published the manuscript titled "3D analysis of equally X-ray attenuating mineralogical phases utilizing a correlative tomographic workflow across multiple length scales" in the journal Powder Technology demonstrating an interdisciplinary collaboration between the IMN/CENEM and the group...

Kategorie: News

We warmly welcome Prof. Philipp Pelz, who started his professorship for Computational Materials Microscopy at the IMN in August this year. Before joining the IMN, he was a postdoctoral researcher working on computational electron microscopy with Prof. Mary Scott in the Materials Science Departmen...

Kategorie: News

Crystals are not necessarily hard and resistant but also occur in soft matter when weakly bound molecules arrange in a regular order. Such organic crystals are widespread in pharmaceuticals products, but also occur as tiny nanocrystals in the active layer of organic solar cells. Here, the organic na...

Kategorie: News

New high-end TEM instrument @ IMN and CENEM: TFS Spectra 200 We proudly welcome a new high-end TEM instrument to the Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research (IMN) and Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM). The new Thermo Fisher Scientific (TFS) Spectra 200 has been installe...

Kategorie: News

Bundestagsabgeordneter Stefan Müller zu Besuch an der FAU Wie lassen sich ultradünne Beschichtungen von einigen Nanometern gezielt herstellen? Darüber hat sich der Erlanger Bundestagsabgeordnete Stefan Müller bei einem Besuch am Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Nanostrukturierte Filme (IZNF) der FAU ...

Kategorie: News

ERC Starting Grant: Several million euros in funding for IZNF researcher Dr. Benoit Merle Over the next five years, the European Research Council (ERC) will provide an ERC Starting Grant of 1.76 million euros to support the outstanding research project of PD Dr. Benoit Merle, Chair of Materials Sci...

Kategorie: News