Chemistry of Thin Film Materials
Bachmann Group

Research Focus
Research in the Bachmann group focuses on the development of preparative methods for nanostructured inorganic materials and interfaces at which various types of energy conversion phenomena can be studied. We create inorganic nanostructures with accurately tunable geometry, and we study their physical and chemical properties systematically as they vary with the geometric parameters. We are particularly interested in the transport and exchange of electrons and ions at interfaces in solar cells, batteries, and other electrodes.
We are located in the building of the Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Films (IZNF) at Cauerstr. 3, where we occupy offices 2.135 to 2.138 and 2.164 to 2.167. Our laboratories are 2.113 (thin films), 1.100-1.101 (electrochemistry), 1.121 (‘moonshine lab’), 0.117 (instrumental lab), and (operated together with the Halik group) 2.103, 2.106, 2.107, 2.110. Additionally, we have our anodization lab U1.023 in the EAM building, Egerlandstr. 3a.
Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann, Ph. D.
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
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