CENEM – Nanomechanics
Merle Group

Research Focus
The group around PD Dr. Benoit Merle focuses on exploring the mechnical properties of materials at the micrometer to nanometer scale. The investigated samples include thin films, surfaces and small microstructural components, which are investigated under different loading conditions, such as fatigue, creep, scratching and fracture. The group has a long experience developing tailored experimental methods for adressing specific scientific questions. Its competence encompasses:
- Nanoindentation
- Micromechanical testing, e.g. Micropillar Compression and Microbeam Bending
- In situ micromechanical testing in electron microscopes
- Nanotribology
- Mechanical Testing of submicrometric thin films
- Atomic Force Microscopy
- Focused Ion Beam Microscopy
The nanomechanics group is part of the Materials Science & Engineering Institute for General Materials Properties headed by Prof. Dr. Mathias Göken.
Website: http://www.gmp.ww.uni-erlangen.de/home_engl.php
Contact: http://www.gmp.ww.uni-erlangen.de/people_show_engl.php?id_p=1